FR5 Software

FirstRate5® house energy rating software

FirstRate5® is an easy-to-use interactive tool with a graphic user interface that enables designers and thermal performance assessors to generate energy ratings for a home by tracing over floor plans. The software integrates the AccuRate calculation engine to estimate the annual heating and cooling energy and can be used to rate an existing design or as an interactive tool to optimise the design beyond compliance.

Latest news

Release of FirstRate5 v5.2.1 (3.13)

by FR5 | May 06, 2015
FirstRate5 v5.2.1 (3.13) is now available as a free download from We recommend that users download and use the latest version for all new files.


Re-issue Invoice - With the end of the financial year fast approaching some users may require the reissuing of misplaced tax invoices relating to credit purchases. Sustainability Victoria (SV) has added the Re-issue Invoice button to each transaction line in the Credit Usage page of your online account. Just click and the original email containing the tax invoice will be reissued to the registered email address.

Parallel Calculation - For those of you who use the Rotate Plan (multiple azimuths) feature in the Analytics tab, you will receive the fastest performance from your multi-core computer processor when the Parallel Calculation option is ticked in the File menu. This is now ticked by default.

Simultaneous Attaching of Eaves to Multiple Walls – After creating an eave, CTRL + click to select multiple walls in the Plan tab. With CTRL still pressed, right-click on one of the selected walls, click Attach Eave from the resulting menu and select the appropriate eave.

Simultaneous Editing of Multiple Waffle Pod Floors – We’ve added the Floor Type Detail column to the Zoning > Floors tab allowing the multiple selection and editing of waffle pod floors. 


In particular, we’re happy to announce the squashing of the longstanding bug where changing insulation when multiple floors were selected in the Zoning tab affected Floor Type, Floor Covering and Sub-Floor Ventilation.

For details of other bugs fixed, please refer to the FR5 v5.2.1 (3.13) release notes which will be installed with the software on your computer. 

Progress towards AFRC Updatable Custom Window Libraries

SV has been working with the Australian Fenestration Rating Council (AFRC) to allow users to import AFRC updatable custom window libraries into FR5. Although presently inactive, the code for this functionality has been included in the software and can be activated with a future minor update. SV is awaiting the completion of some items by the AFRC before testing can be completed and the functionality enabled.

We understand users are keen to use the AFRC custom window libraries and appreciate the patience you have shown. This is important new functionality and we not want to release it unless we are sure it is fully supported and will not create instability in FR5 or your business.

Transition Arrangements

For the next four weeks a transition period will be in place, allowing users to upload and automatically produce certificates using either v5.2.0 and v5.2.1 files. After this transition period ends, v5.2.0 (3.13) files uploaded will produce certificates by special request only.

In addition, v5.1.11c remains accredited by NatHERS until 1 August 2015 (see recent NatHERS notice).
Subject to any further releases, or NatHERS announcements to the contrary, the following table describes the accredited versions of FR5 available to users going forward.

  2015 v5.2.1 (3.13) v5.2.0 (3.13) v5.1.11c  
  5 May – 2 June  Y  Y  Y
  2 June – 1 August  Y  N  Y
  2 August onwards  Y  N  N

For more information on FirstRate5 visit or email [email protected]

Note: It is the user’s responsibility to ensure certificates are produced with the appropriate version. If a user chooses to inappropriately use an earlier version of FR5 to produce a certificate, they run the risk that a Building Surveyor will reject the certificate leading to further certificate costs.

Note: Installation of minor releases involving a letter change, eg,  v5.1.11b to v5.1.11c, will by default overwrite the previous version, while major releases involving a number change, eg, v5.2.0 (3.13) to v5.2.1 (3.13), will by default install beside older versions.
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