FR5 Software

FirstRate5® house energy rating software

FirstRate5® is an easy-to-use interactive tool with a graphic user interface that enables designers and thermal performance assessors to generate energy ratings for a home by tracing over floor plans. The software integrates the AccuRate calculation engine to estimate the annual heating and cooling energy and can be used to rate an existing design or as an interactive tool to optimise the design beyond compliance.

Latest news

Release of FR5 v5.4.0a Beta Version

by FR5 | Jun 09, 2022
Sustainability Victoria (SV) has released version FR5 v5.4.0a (3.21) Beta to fix a software bug identified in FR5 v5.4.0.

SV recommends that you download and install FR5 v5.4.0a (3.21) Beta and uninstall the previous version from your computer.

The software bug identified in FR5 v5.4.0 impacts the windows optimisation rule on the Optimise Tab. When a particular workflow is followed the underlying model is not being correctly reloaded, and the changes specified in the window optimisation rule are not correctly flowing through the model.

Please contact the FirstRate5 helpdesk if you have any questions – [email protected].


Installation of minor releases involving a letter change, eg,  v5.3.1a to v5.3.1b, will by default overwrite the previous version, while major releases involving a number change, eg, v5.3.1 (3.21) to v5.3.2 (3.21), will by default install beside older versions.

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