FR5 Software

FirstRate5® house energy rating software

FirstRate5® is an easy-to-use interactive tool with a graphic user interface that enables designers and thermal performance assessors to generate energy ratings for a home by tracing over floor plans. The software integrates the AccuRate calculation engine to estimate the annual heating and cooling energy and can be used to rate an existing design or as an interactive tool to optimise the design beyond compliance.

Latest news

  • Update to FR5 Website Terms of Service

    Nov 10, 2023
    Sustainability Victoria has made a further update to the FirstRate5 End User Terms of Service published yesterday. The new update is in addition to those changes published on 9 November 2023. The updated End User Terms of Service and the updated Software Licence Agreement apply to: new users of the FirstRate5 website and software, effective 9 November 2023; and existing users of the FirstRate5 website and software, effective 16 November 2023.
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  • Update to FR5 Licence Agreement and Website Terms of Service

    Nov 09, 2023
    Sustainability Victoria has updated the FirstRate5 End User Terms of Service (End User Terms of Service) and FirstRate5 Software Licence Agreement (Software Licence Agreement), which apply to the FirstRate5 website and software. The updated End User Terms of Service and the updated Software Licence Agreement apply to: new users of the FirstRate5 website and software, effective 9 November 2023; and existing users of the FirstRate5 website and software, effective 16 November 2023.
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  • Release of FR5 v5.5.3a (3.22)

    Oct 06, 2023
    FirstRate5 v5.5.3a (3.22) is now available as a free download from This version contain two bug fixes. Sustainability Victoria (SV) recommends that all users who have downloaded FR5 v5.5.3 (3.22) upgrade to this version.
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  • NCC 2022 Update - Release of FR5 v5.5.3 & New NatHERS Certificate

    Sep 28, 2023
    Sustainability Victoria (SV) is pleased to announce that FirstRate5 v5.5.3 (3.22) has successfully passed the NatHERS accreditation process and is now available as a free download from FR5 v5.5.3 (3.22) can be used to demonstrate compliance with NCC 2022 and will produce the new NatHERS certificate when uploaded to the FirstRate5 website.
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  • NatHERS Software Accreditation Update - Sept 2023

    Sep 20, 2023
    Sustainability Victoria’s Energy Software team is currently completing the software accreditation process for the FirstRate5 thermal tool, and the the FirstRate5 Whole-of-Home Tool has been submitted for NatHERS accreditation. On the 28th of September 2023, SV plans to release an updated version of the FirstRate5 thermal tool which will be able to be used for demonstrating compliance with NCC 2022. Files created using the updated version will produce the new NatHERS Certificates on the FirstRate5 website.
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